
Chagan N. “99/5000 Konvergentnyye protsessy – magistral' optimizatsii sovremennoy sistemy obrazovaniya v masshtabakh peremen Convergent processes - the main line of optimization of the modern education system on a scale of change”, Вестник. №1 (1), 2018

№1 (1), 2018

Pedagogy and psychology


99/5000 Konvergentnyye protsessy – magistral' optimizatsii sovremennoy sistemy obrazovaniya v masshtabakh peremen Convergent processes - the main line of optimization of the modern education system on a scale of change

"Russian State University for the Humanities", [email protected]
Key words:
convergent concept, process of convergence in education, technology education, entertainment, food, integration of new technologies
Summary: The need to understand a number of problems in the field of education that go beyond the scope of its own subject is obvious to the author of the article. Of course, education is an integral and obligatory part of socialization in any society, in any social hierarchy, in any historical epoch. New problems facing humanity during the transition from the industrial to the post-industrial, information society have put forward new requirements for the education system and for the content of education, the essence of which is seen in the implementation of the concept of convergence.
Is passed for the press: 16 october 2018 year


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