
Burenin V. “Features of the business model of a modern company producing innovative products.”, Вестник. №1 (1), 2018

№1 (1), 2018

Economics and Management


Features of the business model of a modern company producing innovative products.

MGIMO University, [email protected]
Key words:
Business model. Business modeling Innovative company. Development strategies. Styles of business model formation.
Summary: The national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 define the breakthrough scientific-technological and socio-economic development, an increase in the number of organizations implementing technological innovations up to 50% percent by the characteristic of the economy and social sphere. The article discusses the experience of the British innovation corporation KHS on the creation of an innovative enterprise in Russia, Petainer Trading.
Is received: 16 october 2018 year
Is passed for the press: 16 october 2018 year


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