
Al-Hachem D. “Sociolinguistic particularities of arabisms in English, French, German and Russian languages”, Вестник. №2 (3), 2019

№2 (3), 2019

Journalism and linguistics


Sociolinguistic particularities of arabisms in English, French, German and Russian languages

Diana Antoine
ANOHE "Moscow International University", [email protected]
Key words:
Borrowing from the Arabic language, the Arabic loan-words, the matrix of the regular correspondences of Arabic loan-words, thematic groups of Arabic loan-words, phonetic and morphological features of Arabic loan-words in English, French, German and Russian languages
Summary: The article is devoted to the solution of an actual problem in the theory of language borrowings – the functioning of arabisms in receptor languages. The article is devoted to the solution of a topical issue in the theory of language borrowings — the functioning of arabisms in recipient languages. The authors are studying the migration of Arabic language units and their subsequent adaptation at different stages of history in English, French, German and Russian languages in order to establish the general and specific features of Arabic borrowings in these languages. They reviewed 30 of the adapted Arabic loan-words in the recipient languages, revealed the causes of the process of borrowing and established the degree of the influence of these borrowings on the development and enrichment of the word-stock of these languages. The authors studied and scientifically identified purely linguistic differential features of Arabic loan-words in the recipient languages and patterns of their phonetic and morphological adaptation, e.g. algebra (English, German), algebre (French), алгебра (Russian). The findings allow instant recognition of Arabic loan-words in the recipient languages based on the matrix of correspondences developed by the authors of the article.
Is received: 24 july 2019 year
Is passed for the press: 24 july 2019 year


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